Sunday, February 14, 2010


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."
Phillipians 4:6-8

Well Thanks Lord. I needed a kick in the pants.
On a day I was feeling so bad for myself (Friday), I forgot about gratitude. I forgot to be thankful.  I forgot that the Lord is in control, not myself.
Let's take a look at something.
Every day I have a choice. Whether to choose to dwell on bad or good.
This is not a new concept. Half full or half empty.
Focusing on those steps forward and not the steps back.
Friday was a perfect example for me.
I spent the majority of my day focused on:
How I woke up late.
Missed my workout.
Slept on the couch (on accident, because i fell asleep there)
Woke up to dog licks in the face.
Had to go to a meeting on my day off for two hours plus.
The pool was closed and the gym closed early because of snow.
Did not get to craft.
Had to clean for my in laws.
Found out Brandon was coming home early, then found out his flight was delayed and canceled.
Feeling like bootcamp is a total failure because I am only averaging about five girls instead of the 15 we had in the fall. 
Completely dreading sleeping on a blow up mattress in our office for valentines day weekend...when I hadn't seen AG in 8 days.
Feeling overall bummed out.

Now, looking at this verse Saturday morning was a total and complete wake up call.
I needed it.
I need to be reminded that my God knows everything and does not want me dwelling in a bad place.
God wants to hear my prayers when I am frustrated, but he wants me to remain THANKFUL.
Why is that so hard? Why do I compare myself to so many others and always feel NOT GOOD ENOUGH?
So next time this happens, my goal will be to fight these thoughts. Like this.
How I woke up late.---->How I had a snow day so I didn't have to WORK!! HOORAY!
Missed my workout.-----> Was able to take a day off, since I have not been taking ANY days off lately.
Slept on the couch (on accident, because i fell asleep there)----->I got some great rest, since I obviously fell asleep right after I found out about the snow day.  Good news. I often have trouble sleeping when AG is gone.
Woke up to dog licks in the face.--------> Thank you God for sweet companions who always make me feel loved and not lonely, even when they chew up half the house or poop in the middle of the floor.
Had to go to an Army FRG leader meeting on my day off for two hours plus.------->Praise God that I got to attend a meeting I usually am not able to attend because of work. Praise him that we were doing a personality test that was VERY insightful into who I am.  I also got some fun interaction with a great friend.
The pool closed early and they gym closed because of snow.------> It is snowing! in Georgia! Hooray!
Did not get to craft.--------------> Got to watch the olympics opening ceremony. Got to make yummy taco soup.
Had to clean for my in laws.----------> My house smells good and is so clean now.Or it was before the four people and three extra dogs came. But way cleaner than before. Hooray for that.
Found out Brandon was coming home early, then found out his flight was delayed and canceled.--------->Hooray that he ALMOST came home early...and he wasn't on the later flight that got in at 4am yesterday. We even had time for a movie last night!
Feeling like bootcamp is a total failure because I am only averaging about five girls instead of the 15 we had in the fall.  ---------------> Bootcamp is a success if I have a good attitude and I get a workout. The ladies are a total bonus who I can hopefully minister to and love along the way.Plus, it's super early. Not everyone likes to work out at 5:30am when it is 30 degrees.
Completely dreading sleeping on a blow up mattress in our office for valentines day weekend...when I hadn't seen AG in 8 days.------------------->Any bed is fine, as long as I'm snuggling with my man. I need to ALWAYS remember that.  Plus, the lack of beds means a house full of family, which I love.  Time with them is invaluable. Plus, it made for an awesome crowd to watch the Kentucky game yesterday!!

TO clarify, in the picture above, our dog Bella is being held back by my father in law, and buoy is with me. A picture with five dogs is not easy :)

The six person valentines day.----------> I got a personally cooked up breakfast meal, with an egg white omlette, fresh fruit, chocolate chip muffins and my favorite starbucks drink (grande nf one spenda latte).  Oh hubby....good job!!!  I got to spend amazing time with my awesome family (in laws).  There have been worse valentines day. For example: During AG's 15 month deployment, I had a "I'm alone on valentines day party" and I ended up on NBC Evening News with Brian Williams! haah!!

Feeling overall bummed out. For example: my arms look huge in these pictures._-------------->I look great. I will never believe it until I believe what the Lord says about me. I am beautiful in his image. I take care of myself. I just have to believe it.
She said, "Let's look sassy". So here is us trying :)

My brother and sister in law in front of our house.

Okay. The end.
Going out for a little valentines day dinner for six. Which I am truly very excited about :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentine's Day! New to your blog and glad yo have found it!

    Becoming a follower!
