Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Homes for our troops

Can you see this video? I cannot see it on secure computers. Only on mine at home. So if you can't see it, I'm sorry.
Something that hits home for me.
Because last night I sat at a "Readiness Fair" for three hours after work with a guy in this crash.
To look through books with other spouses about what the wishes of their husbands would be should they be injured or killed.
This is real.
This is not the first time.
I've done it many times.
But Gosh.
One of our guys we work with (for FRG stuff) was in a crash in 2007 that changed his life forever.The crash you see in the video above. One of his closest friends, Scot Noss, was seriously injured. He has been in the hospital ever since.  He is making progress. He even came to our military ball this fall. But, it was his first time out of the hospital since the accident. It was the FIRST TIME since the accident that his wife has slept in bed with him.  To think that this home will give him the freedom to really live. Oh gosh. It just makes me so emotional.
I thought Extreme Home Makeover made me cry.
This is so real. I have met Ryanne. She is awesome. I mean amazing. So strong.

This weekend we have the opportunity to travel to Birmingham and help build the home.
If you know someone who has the means to donate, or you do, this is a great place to go to help.
I will be with lots of guys AG works with. It will be a real event, of that I am sure.  Emotional. Tough. But real.

This war doesn't effect some people, ever.
It affects me every day. It is our lives. Our Ministry.
I'm proud to be serving.

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