
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Just a little of us...

Where does time go? 
What is happening in my life right now?
Oh, that's right.
Two toddlers are happening.
And it's no joke.

I love this child.  He is naughty and defiant right now. But so, so sweet.  I love his heart.  I love that his face is messy even right after I wipe it down.  I love how he shakes off an ouchie with his whole body :)

Although these boys have not yet mastered "Sharing"...they sure do play together well.  They tackle and wrestle and laugh it off. They are so cute together!

They LOVE balloons.  Luckily when they come along on a photo shoot...they get to see balloons all over the place :)

What is up with us?
1. The terrible twos are hitting the Whitis house with one particular boy whose name rhymes with Beeli.  I never believed that the terrible twos happened, but now I am a believer.  I understand now.
It's pretty terrible. :)
He is a wonderful child, so much fun. We have a great time playing every day.
We are hitting the stage where "no" is hard to hear.
Distraction isn't working.
And life as a two year old is challenging.

2.  We are doing ISR Infant swim lessons.
I don't like watching my sweet boys struggle, but I also love it.  It's fun to see them starting to swim on their own.
We go to our second day tomorrow. We go every day, but only for 10 minutes at a time.

3.  I am up late editing pictures and I feel so productive.  
Thus, why my blog is being updated.

4.  The end for now. :)
gray ric rac copy


  1. Great to hear from you again. I am totally diggin the 'hawk. Kitty says to tell you hi. We love seeing pictures and updates from you. :)

  2. They are sooooo happy, congrats honney.

  3. Great pictures, Brooke! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you would be willing to answer a quick question regarding your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
